Tough Conversations in a ServiceNow Wonderland

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but in the ServiceNow ecosystem, our community is so delightful!"

The holiday season is upon us, and it's the perfect time to sprinkle some festive wisdom into the often snowy landscape of your career. If you're a woman working in the ServiceNow ecosystem, you may occasionally find yourself in situations that resemble a holiday-themed sitcom. We all know that conversations can sometimes take a frosty turn, especially when dealing with two common challenges: mansplaining and colleagues taking credit for your hard-earned contributions. Fear not, jingle belles; in this blog post, we'll sleigh these issues with humor and offer some tips for gracefully handling them.

Mansplaining: Don't Let it Snow on Your Parade

Picture this: You're discussing a complex technical solution at work, and suddenly, a colleague swoops in like a snowplow, explaining the basics to you as if you were a first-time visitor to the North Pole. That's what we call mansplaining. It's like someone handing you a snow shovel and saying, "Here, let me show you how this works."

Tip 1: Snow White Smile - When confronted with a case of mansplaining, channel your inner Snow White and flash a radiant smile. Respond gracefully, "Thank you for your input, but I've got this. I'm familiar with this topic and appreciate your support."

Tip 2: Reindeer Games - Build strong connections with your female colleagues. Form your own 'reindeer games' club where you share experiences, support each other, and offer a unified front when addressing mansplaining.

Taking Credit for Your Work: No Grinches Allowed

Imagine you've been working tirelessly to implement a ServiceNow solution. When the project is a roaring success, someone swoops in like a Grinch, stealing the credit that should rightfully be yours. How do you tackle this situation without losing your holiday cheer?

Tip 1: Tinsel-tight Documentation - Make sure your contributions are well-documented. Keep records of your work, achievements, and role in each project. This way, you have your tinsel-tight evidence when someone tries to pull a fast one.

Tip 2: Elf on the Shelf - Having an 'Elf on the Shelf' is not just for Santa's workshop! Encourage your supervisor or manager to monitor the team's contributions and ensure credit is given where it's due. A little managerial vigilance can go a long way in preventing credit theft.


This holiday season, remember that you're a valuable part of the ServiceNow ecosystem, and your contributions deserve recognition and respect. Don't let mansplaining or credit-grabbing behavior steal your holiday spirit. Instead, let's be jolly, take inspiration from Santa, and give back in the form of confidence, assertiveness, and unity among women working in ServiceNow.

As you navigate your career path, remember that you are Santa's little helpers in making the ServiceNow world work smoother and brighter. So, ho-ho-hold your ground and ensure that your voice and contributions are heard loud and clear. After all, it's the season of giving – giving credit where it's due and giving yourself the respect you deserve.

May your holiday season be filled with joy, laughter, and a sprinkle of humor to keep the frosty situations at bay. Happy holidays, jingle belles!


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